The uneaten worms will not die and decay in your aquarium gravel bed and filtration system. Our Blackworms are small enough ( no larger then one inch long or the size of a pin) for all tropical fish to devour them. Obviously, live foods are the truly perfect nutritional source for your tropical fish, but are you aware of some of these other reasons Will be doing daily 30% W.C anyway (And this is Huge Pain_In_Hind because the tank is really huge and i need huge buckets just for 30% change).There are manyimportant reasons to choose Live Blackworms for your fish instead of frozen and machine prepared "fast" foods. So is this really a mini-cycle? Cloudy waters for more than 2-3 days, and now i see wee bit spike of nitrite ?īTW to be safe, I have directly added Prime in tank (extra) to nullify bady things as possible from Prime. Now i have returned back to my place, and Orangina is sitting down, male moving slowly too, its dark in tank, its really right into night, will be midnight in a hour, so I dont know how to judge the goldies behaviour. Nitrite: just above 0 but not really 0.25 as on API Watertest color card. I did my third test in 48 hours and the readings are as follows. (This was during last weekend water change, i.e some 6-7 days ago).

I used to feel the flow from the filter and it was really Slowed down, so i did the extra cleaning of media (not totally but did give 2-3 more squeezes in bucket of old tank water than what i usually do ) and maybe i killed really huge batch of good bacteria. Because there was LOTS of flying white stuff in tank with those Big fry and goldfish pair in tank, the Filter_Media was getting filled very fast. May have put my Goldfish tank in mini-cycle. Please help, its kindof turned into Emergency now. still I want to see the tank back to normal clean and clear. Right now I have removed the fry into small tank, and stop feeding the main 46 G tank with worms, only pellets now. How long do this worms survive in Tank? When will the clouding stop? How can i repair this situation? Now i remember the Goldfish never really finished ALL the worms, and i used to see many worms flying in the tank, its a 2 feet tall planted tank, so impossible for me to fetch the remaining and they are probably in the gravel/sand. the parameters in water are good, i have desparetely tried to do 40% water change daily for past 3 days still its cloudy. Unfortunately the BIG PARENTS finished the food quickly, so i had to put in LOTS of Tubifex worms (LIVE) in order to allow the fry get some food.Īfter 1 week, I now noticed the tank is EXTREMELY CLOUDY.

And i had to feed the fry with Tubifex worms or bloodworms which they were used too. I recently moved my goldfish fry batch (4 of them) to main Goldfish planted tank. YouTube - Fancy tail Goldfish planted tank 46 gallonĪbove is the tank 10 days ago before i started to feed tubifex worms regularly.